ENDNEL2s&³ÿÿÿÿ!)bPT: Publication Type `Analytic`PT: Publication Type `Book review`PT: Publication Type`Exhibition catalogue review`PT: Publication Type `Periodical` AB: AbstractAN: Accession Number AU: AuthorCL: ClassificationCP: Country of PublicationDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address'EI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: Features GA: GalleryHL: Holding LibraryID: IdentifiersIS: ISSN LA: Language2 NT: NotesOT: Original Title.PH: Physical DescriptionPT: Publication TypePY: Publication YearRA: Review AuthorRV: Reviewed Work&SA: Subject/Artist SF: Subfile SH: ShelfmarkSL: Summary Language2 SO: Source, vol. , no. , pp. ,  SO: Source, vol. , pp. ,  SO: Source, no. , pp. ,  SO: Source, pp. ,  SO: Source TI: Title UD: UpdateUI: Unique IdentifierPT: Publication Type`Book` AB: AbstractAN: Accession Number AU: AuthorCA: Corporate AuthorCL: ClassificationCP: Country of PublicationDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address'EI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: FeaturesEX: Exhibition |, EX: Exhibition  GA: GalleryHL: Holding LibraryIB: ISBNID: Identifiers LA: Language2MT: Monograph Title NT: NotesOT: Original Title.PH: Physical DescriptionPT: Publication TypePU: Publication InformationPY: Publication YearRV: Reviewed WorkSA: Subject/Artist SF: Subfile SH: ShelfmarkSL: Summary Language2 SO: Source : , .  pp. SO: Source , , .  pp. SO: Source , .  pp. SO: Source |.  pp. SO: Source pp. SO: Source : |,  SO: Source |,  SO: Source SR: Series Title|; SR: Series Title|, SR: Series TitleTB: Table of Contents TI: Title UD: UpdateUI: Unique IdentifierPT: Publication Type`Dissertation` AB: AbstractAN: Accession Number AU: AuthorCL: ClassificationCP: Country of PublicationDA: Dissertation NumberDE: DescriptorsDG: Degree Information1`Type:`  `Granting organization:` `Year:` DG: Degree InformationDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address'EI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: FeaturesEX: Exhibition GA: GalleryHL: Holding LibraryIB: ISBNID: Identifiers LA: Language2MT: Monograph Title NT: NotesOT: Original Title.PH: Physical DescriptionPT: Publication TypePU: Publication InformationPY: Publication YearRV: Reviewed WorkSA: Subject/Artist SF: Subfile SH: Shelfmark SO: Source |.  pp. SO: Source pp.SR: Series Title|, SR: Series Title UD: UpdateUI: Unique IdentifierPT: Publication Type`Conference proceedings` AB: AbstractAN: Accession Number AU: AuthorCA: Corporate Author , 20, )CA: Corporate Author , 19, )CA: Corporate AuthorCL: ClassificationCP: Country of PublicationDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EX: ExhibitionEA Email Address:'EI Electronic ISSN:EM Entry Month:ER Environmental Regime:FC Format Covered: FE Features: GA: GalleryHL: Holding LibraryIB: ISBNID: Identifiers LA: Language2MT: Monograph Title NT: NotesOT: Original Title.PH: Physical DescriptionPT: Publication TypePU: Publication InformationPY: Publication YearRV: Reviewed WorkSA: Subject/Artist SF: Subfile SH: ShelfmarkSL: Summary Language2 SO: Source , ,  pp. SO: Source ,  pp. SO: Source SR: Series Title|, SR: Series TitleTB: Table of Contents UD: UpdateUI: Unique IdentifierPT: Publication Type`Book chapter` AB: AbstractAN: Accession Number AU: AuthorCA: Corporate AuthorCL: ClassificationCP: Country of PublicationDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address'EI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: Features GA: GalleryHL: Holding LibraryIB: ISBNID: Identifiers LA: Language2MT: Monograph Title NT: NotesOT: Original Title.PH: Physical Description ; p. PH: Physical DescriptionPT: Publication TypePU: Publication Information : |, PU: Publication Information |, PU: Publication Information PY: Publication YearRV: Reviewed WorkSA: Subject/Artist SF: Subfile SH: ShelfmarkSL: Summary Language2 SO: SourceSR: Series Title|; SR: Series Title|, SR: Series TitleTB: Table of Contents TI: Title UD: UpdateUI: Unique Identifier PT: Publication Type `Collection` AB: Abstract  AN: Accession Number  AU: Author  CA: Corporate Author  CL: Classification  CP: Country of Publication  DE: Descriptors  DN: Database Name / DO: DOI + EA: Email Address ' EI: Electronic ISSN  EM: Entry Month  ER: Environmental Regime  FC: Format Covered  FE: Features  GA: Gallery  HL: Holding Library  IB: ISBN  ID: Identifiers  LA: Language 2 MT: Monograph Title  NT: Notes  OT: Original Title . PH: Physical Description  PT: Publication Type  PU: Publication Information  PY: Publication Year  RV: Reviewed Work  SA: Subject/Artist  SF: Subfile  SH: Shelfmark  SL: Summary Language 2 SO: Source  : , .  pp. SO: Source  , .  pp. SO: Source |.  pp. SO: Source  pp. SO: Source  SR: Series Title |;  SR: Series Title |,  SR: Series Title  TB: Table of Contents  TI: Title  UD: Update  UI: Unique Identifier !PT: Publication Type!`Conference paper`! AB: Abstract!!AN: Accession Number!! AU: Author!!CA: Corporate Author!!CL: Classification!!CP: Country of Publication!!DE: Descriptors!!DN: Database Name!/!DO: DOI!+!EA: Email Address!'!EI: Electronic ISSN!!EM: Entry Month!!ER: Environmental Regime!!FC: Format Covered!! FE: Features!! GA: Gallery!!HL: Holding Library!!IB: ISBN!!ID: Identifiers!! LA: Language!2!MT: Monograph Title!! NT: Notes!!OT: Original Title!.!PH: Physical Description! ; p. !PH: Physical Description!!PT: Publication Type!!PU: Publication Information! |, !PU: Publication Information! !PY: Publication Year!!RV: Reviewed Work!!SA: Subject/Artist!! SF: Subfile!! SH: Shelfmark!!SL: Summary Language!2! SO: Source!!SR: Series Title!! UD: Update!!UI: Unique Identifier!ØD DDDby HD*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition DHD: DDDScale DDDSLSDL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'DD H DD* (Introduced by) D(Edited by) (ed) H( ) H(The) SHDpp. q‚‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ ‚ {NONE}  *Bib Hist Art (CSA)CSAÂSee http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/bha for an important message about this database. (3/10/10) Some source data may need to be parsed manually. Some reference types are ambiguous, as well, and may need to be changed after importing. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS From the CSA search results screen, click on 'Save/Print/Email'. On the "Save/Print/Email" screen, choose "Full Format" and none other. Click the 'Save' button. 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